Friday, November 9, 2007

Finally joined the elite group that call themselves bloggers...

So a lot has changed in my life over the last six months and I thought to myself hey why not start a blog. Here it is folks, the byproduct of my crazy life. I quit my job of 8 years to stay at home with my son (whom I love to pieces) and most evenings I have the time to write. My life is filled with changes that require a lot of strength right now so I thought I would turn to writing and see what that does for my soul. Writing is that weird medicine that allows you to make yourself vunerable while still being allusive. That's all for now, until next time.


Erin Bennett said...

WELCOME!!!! I'm so excited! Just wait until you start posting pictures! :)

Lisa said...

YAAAAAY!!!! so glad you joined the world of bloggers! Now we don't even have to email each other...

just kidding. :)

becky said...

Wow, Corinne, so much has changed. I didn't realize you had a son. How old is he?